VIP PARKING: (4) VIP Sections to choose from. Front Row Dirty Dozen, Domestic VIP, Import VIP, and Classic VIP. DM Houston Performance Driving fan page to make your VIP parking requests. Send Make, model, and 1 to 3 pics. Portion of your VIP donation with HCC will go towards the overall donation collection that will be setup at the entrance to Little Woodrow’s at will be manned by our Harris County Constables. We encourage all past and future VIP’s to quickly fill the reserved parking roster.
OPEN PARKING: (+200) OPEN FREE first come first served parking spaces.
This event will be geared toward high performance cars, trucks, bikes, hotrods, and Classic American Muscle. We want to be clear that this is an open event. We want top awesome cars and solid folks out there. We want to bring you some of the fastest and nicest rides. Plus, some well-built trucks. Bring on the bikes! Find your parking spot and enjoy the parking area. Come inside Little Woodrow’s and grand table. Enjoy the food, drinks, sports, music, games, and atmosphere. HAVE FUN!
Harris County Constables will be on station in and around the parking area. Please be safe entering and exiting the area.
Family Friendly Event! Little Woodrow’s is a BAR. However, kids/minors are allowed inside with parents. Police will be at the door to checking ID’s. Please bring all of the family… and don’t forget the dog. Little Woodrow’s is pet friendly as well.
Food Information: Little Woodrow’s does have food capability. Increasing food variety. There will be 2 to 3 food trucks of different variety.
Event Sponsors and Volunteers: We will be adding event sponsors and vendors. Such as performance shops or other brands. Houston Performance Driving sponsors are highly recommended to get involved. If you would like to get involved with being on the HPD Staff. We are looking to have some folks help with parking and gate control. It’s fun and lunch is on us.